Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Chef on the Loose

Dear Diary,

If you asked me what to do with a blog a few years back , I would have responded "Start with a very hot pan..." after all, I have been a chef for very long time. Expertly trained at the prestigious School of Hard Knocks and Bad Luck , my first classes were a hilarious mix of girls don't belong in the kitchen and all the juicy tidbits Tony Bourdain spilled the beans over..

Truth is I have stories that would even make Tony blush . Maybe one day I'll bump into him and I can ask if we ever had a little fling going back in the seventies? Chances are neither of us would remember so I'll just say, that one night in a rather infamous NYC club was a definite maybe.

This isn't about me however. I've learned a blog is not something to dredge in flour and throw into a sizzling pan. Instead , pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine and welcome to our food crazed adventures. Meet our fellow foodie friends, most with passports, some chefs on the loose like me, or just vagabond gourmets in search of the next fabulous meal in a faraway place.


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